Roads Adaptation Project - Virtual Public Meeting
Thu, Feb 17
Monroe County will host two public meetings regarding its Countywide Roads Adaptation Project and planning efforts. The meetings will be held via Zoom webinar. The Zoom links for the workshops will be available on the County website calendar, www.monroecounty-fl.gov/calendar.
Time & Location
Feb 17, 2022, 5:30 PM
About the event
Monroe County will host two public meetings regarding its Countywide Roads Adaptation Project and planning efforts. The meetings will be held on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Feb. 23 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom webinar.
The meetings will focus on the progress of Monroe County’s Roadway Vulnerability Study and Capital Plan, which identified County-maintained roads vulnerable to sea-level rise, identified an evaluation process for ranking them, and recommended a schedule for road adaptation to the year 2045. Various neighborhood roads have been recommended for elevation to address flooding from the impacts of sea-level rise and climate change.
Ideas that may be discussed during these virtual meetings will be brought to the Board of County Commissioners during a regular meeting for further discussion and approval.
The Zoom links for the workshops will be available on the County website calendar, www.monroecounty-fl.gov/calendar.